Daily Devotion (20. 03. 2024) – The Damage of Prayerlessness

Discouragement comes when we try to carry our load alone, but help is just a prayer away.


Colossians 4:2-6

Jesus often slipped away to spend quiet moments with His Father. If the Son of God needed prayer time, then we surely can’t live well without it. Yesterday we saw that those who “go it alone” become weary from bearing unnecessary burdens. Now let’s see the results of carrying that extra weight throughout life.

When we’re drained spiritually, emotionally, or physically, we become susceptible to discouragement. Loss of confidence is soon followed by doubt. A believer immersed in prayer and Scripture reading will find security in God’s power and presence. Joshua was exhorted to meditate on the Law, because his success was dependent on following God’s will (Joshua 1:8-9). Keeping the Lord at the center of our focus, coupled with regular Bible reading and prayer, builds confidence. But someone who questions His faithfulness will seek refuge everywhere except in those disciplines.

Forsaking prayer causes a downward slide—but the direction can be reversed at any time. It’s simple: Confess your prayerlessness, and then make a priority of regular quiet time with God. In those moments of communion, He will make burdens light, offer encouragement, and fill you with confidence.


Resource: https://www.intouchaustralia.org