Daily Devotion (08. 01. 2022) – Shattering Fear With Truth


To conquer our fears, we should identify them but then focus instead on God and Scripture.

Joshua 1:6-9

Yesterday we discussed how fear and anxiety can enslave us and color our perspective to the point that we live in a constant state of unease. But as Christians, we have a heavenly Father who has promised to care for us and work all things for our good. Jesus said if we continue in His Word, we will know the truth, and it will set us free (John 8:31-32). But practically speaking, how do we live in such freedom?

Identify the basic root of your fears. It’s fairly easy to recognize surface causes, but ultimately, the root of our apprehension is a distrust of God. Yet the truth of His constant loving protection and His sovereignty over every situation in our life can dispel all our anxiety.

Focus on the Lord instead of your fear. Every time dread enters our heart, we must remember that we are in the hand of our almighty, all-knowing, loving Father.

Meditate on the Word of God. This is a powerful step in overcoming anxiety, since the Bible is an immovable anchor for our life. 

In times of trouble, we must hold fast to Scripture because fear is shattered on the foundational truth of God’s Word. When we learn to respond to our uneasiness in these three ways, we will live freely as our Father intended. 


Resource: https://www.intouchaustralia.org/